This is your go-to guide for how to achieve your goals in 2025. Read below for straightforward tips and motivation for achieving all of your goals this upcoming year!

Goal setting is an extremely powerful tool. Honestly, it’s the way you achieve your dream life – which you deserve! So without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about how to achieve your goals!
How to achieve your goals (the short answer)
This may be a little tough love, but when it comes down to it, the short answer to achieving your goals is, at the end of the day, you just have to do it. You have to do whatever it is that is your goal day in and day out, even when you don’t feel like it.
- You have to do the workout.
- You have to eat differently.
- You have to do something else instead of spending so much of your precious time on your phone.
- You have to have those uncomfortable conversations if they come up.
- You have to start working in the evening when you’re tired to start that side hustle.
- You have to muster up the courage to ask for that raise that you deserved yesterday.
Life and time are too precious! Set your goals. Do them. Create your dream life. You deserve it!
If you would like a free printable goal planner emailed to you, fill out the form below!
You’re not always going to feel like it…
You’re not going to always feel like taking the steps to achieve your goals. But the only way for you to achieve your goals, is to do the work. No shortcuts. Yes, it’s going to be hard at times and take sacrifices on your part, but it’s 100% worth it and you’re going to be so happy you did.
Besides, every time you work towards a goal you are investing in yourself.
So how do you actually achieve your goals? Here’s your step-by-step guide!
Okay, before we dive into the formula and steps for achieving your goals and goal examples, we are going to cover what I call “goal truths.”
You know that one friend who will tell you not what you want to hear, but what you need to hear? Yeah, that’s what these are. But it does come from a place of love!
Goal truth #1: No one is going to achieve your goals for you
I once heard Mel Robbins say, “no one is going to come and live your life for you.” This was a huge realization for me.
I mean, technically it’s not like I was waiting or expecting someone to come and live my life for me. But it has also never occurred to me that if I don’t do it, create an amazing life for myself, then it 100% won’t happen.
If I want the best life ever then I have to create it.
And this also means that no one is going to achieve my goals for me. It’s 100% up to me whether or not my goals happen.
I also heard Mel Robbins say, “your life is entirely up to you.”
If you don’t make it happen, it just will not happen. So, yes, that means you have to make it happen. What is “it”? Well that’s the part you get to decide which should be the exciting part, but the point is that you’ve gotta do it.
Goal truth #2: Set only a few goals and make sure they are achievable
What often happens is someone makes it a goal that they are going to start eating healthy.
But what does that even mean? And how unhealthy are they currently eating? Do they know how to cook? Do they have a few kids and husband who also don’t eat healthy? Do they have any healthy recipes that they actually enjoy eating?
Do you see how this goal quickly becomes difficult to achieve?
Instead you can start out with the goal of not eating out during the week (because, let’s face it, it’s far more challenging to eat healthy when you eat at a restaurant) or making sure your dinner has at least one serving of protein and two servings of vegetables. And because goal setting involves changing your behaviors and habits, when you get used to these new habits, you can improve the quality of your lunches, and then breakfasts.
Do you see how you can make small goals with a larger goal in mind? And how can your goals cascade into bigger goals? This way has a much higher likelihood of you achieving it.
So my advice and the moral of the story: if someone doesn’t achieve a goal, oftentimes it’s because it’s too big or too vague. Throughout this post, I will share with you a ton of small, achievable goals that make a huge impact. I got you!
Goal truth #3: The hardest part is staying consistent and doing your goal when you don’t feel like it (because you’re not always going to feel like working towards your goal)
“I totally regret working out, eating healthy, and going to bed early!!!” said no one ever.
There’s a reason why gyms’ member numbers are much higher in January and February than the rest of the year.
There’s a reason why the internet is taken over with goal setting (this post included) at the start of the year. New year, new you.
Everyone is super motivated to get started at the start of the year and then, well you know what happens.
People want to improve themselves and their lives. But, and I know this from firsthand experiences, sticking to your goals is really, really hard.
When you set out to achieve a goal, most of the time you are creating a new habit or routine and most of the time it’s replacing one you don’t want around any longer.
You need to remember something: this takes time. Also, go easy on yourself with your goals. It’s okay if they’re super small.
Chances are if they are huge goals, you will have a hard time achieving them because you’re asking yourself to make an enormous change. Revisit your goals. Modify them if need be. This doesn’t mean you failed! It means you’re figuring it out.
For example, before I had my daughter Cora I worked out 4-5 a week. Fast forward to now: I have a toddler, I’m a wife, a teacher, and the beloved gym I went to has shut down, and I’m really struggling to make those 4-5 workouts happen. So I’ve settled for 2-3 times a week during the school year when I’m teaching and in the summer I’m closer to 4-5. I still try to get in at least 7,000 steps per day, but I just can’t seem to make 4-5 workouts happen.
Hack #1 for doing your goal when you don’t feel like it:
So how do you show up especially when you don’t feel like it? You write your goals down and write out when and how you’re going to work towards your goal.
Having your goals written down along with writing out a weekly and monthly schedule of when and how you’re actually going to achieve your goals helps with this immensely.
And then you stick to it. No matter what. And there are going to be days or weeks when you do not feel like working towards your goals. But you have to. You won’t regret it.
And, remember no one else is going to achieve your goal for you. And “I totally regret working towards my goal” said no one ever.
Hack #2 for doing your goal when you don’t feel like it:
The second is a hack from Mel Robbins to use literally anytime you don’t want to do something.
The hack is simple. All you do is count down from 5.
Mel Robbins explains that this 5 second rule is the fastest way to change your life, and I think she’s right.
When you count down from 5, you go into action mode. There is no room for negotiating (what if I go to the gym Tuesday instead? I will stand up for myself next time), no overthinking, no avoiding, no hitting the snooze on your alarm.
It gets you into action mode. I do this all the time. In addition to working towards my goals, any time I catch myself not wanting to do something like empty the dishwasher or fold laundry I simply count down from 5.
Hack #3 for doing your goal when you don’t feel like it:
Remind yourself it will get easier and that by working towards your goal you are investing in yourself. Remember why it is your goal in the first place. Show up for you!
Remember, when you are working towards a goal, it often (if not always) involves a behavior change. Therefore, in the beginning of your goal journey, it’s going to feel challenging or maybe even a little awkward.
But think of this new habit like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger you’ll get and the easier it will be to make it a consistent habit.
For example, maybe one of your goals is to say no more at work or in a friendship. This is not going to be easy at first. You should almost expect that.
I say almost because who knows, maybe you’ll do it the first time and it will feel like the easiest thing in the world and you’ll never look back! But it also might not be the easiest thing in the world.
With that said, I promise, promise, promise you that the more you work at your goal, the stronger your behavior change muscle will get and the easier saying no will feel.
Okay, let’s get down to business…
Step #1: How to set achievable goals
There are two main goal setting categories:
#1: A behavior or habit you want to change
#2: Something you want to accomplish
I think more often than not, we have an idea of what our goals should be.
Maybe it’s a desire to start a side hustle, hobby, or new family tradition. Maybe it’s a feeling of guilt or even regret every time you do (doom scroll) or not do something (working out). Maybe it’s a nagging feeling that you know you’re worth more than your current paycheck. Maybe it’s a boundary you are beyond ready to set with someone. Maybe you just want to clean out and organize every room in your house.
Goal Achieving Formula
Here is my goal achieving formula: What is my goal? When am I going to do it? How am I going to do it? Then, do it. No matter what.
Here’s the thing: you must create an achievable goal. What does that mean? For the most part, it means that your goal needs to be manageable and ultra specific.
For instance if one of your goals is to eat healthier, you may have a hard time achieving that because what does it mean to eat healthier? Instead one of your goals should be along the lines of one of these:
- Avoid added sugars or processed food Monday-Friday
- Cook all meals Monday-Friday
- I will start eating a high protein breakfast
- I will eat at least four servings of vegetables each day.
Do you see how specific each of these are?
Some people would say that an achievable goal should be within reach for you, but I would argue anything is in reach for you – it’s just up to you whether or not you’ll reach it!
Step #2: But also remember to swing for the fences
When it comes to your goals, swing for the fences.
What do I mean by this? It’s a baseball reference that means a player should hit the baseball as hard as they possibly can in hopes of hitting a home run – which happens when the ball goes over the fences.
It also is a metaphor for setting your expectations really, really high in whatever you aspire to do. You want to swing for the fences.
So, when it comes to your goals, swing for the fences. Your goals make up who you are and the life you create. Don’t settle for anything less than amazing.
You may be thinking that setting an enormous goal may be contradicting what I said above about setting achievable goals. But you can accomplish really big goals! Remember, achievable mostly means specific.
Step #3: Take inventory
Sometimes there are also less obvious goals waiting for you to achieve. How will you know what these are or should be?
Here are some helpful questions for you to answer and take inventory to help you set your goals.
A good place to start taking inventory is to ask yourself:
- Is this bringing me joy? Whatever it is, if it’s not, stop doing it. If you think it might bring you joy, start doing it or do more of it!
- What kind of life do I want to live?
- What is my dream life? What are the elements that make up my dream life?
- What do I want out of my career/marriage/parenthood/friendships/etc.?
- What kind of person do I want to be?
How to take inventory: Questions to ask yourself
- What is my dream life? In my dream life I…
- What brings me joy?
- I feel expansive when…
- My favorite version of myself is/would be…
- I want to start…
- I want to stop…
- What habits or routines do you want to/need to start doing?
- What habits or routines do you want to/need to stop doing?
- Am I happy with how much time I spend on my phone?
- What am I doing to take care of myself?
- Am I happy with my career?
- What are my goals as a mother/wife/sister/friend/etc.?
- What’s missing from my life?
- How are my finances?
- Is I missing a tradition in my life that I wish I had?
- Am I happy with how much I’m working out?
- Am I happy with how healthy I’m eating?
- Do I drink enough water?
- Am I happy with how I show up in relationships?
- Do I need to set any boundaries?
- How’s my sleep?
- Is there a new hobby I’ve been wanting to start?
- What routines are in place to keep my home
- Am I overwhelmed? Why? What routines do I need to put in place so I’m less overwhelmed.
- Is there a room in my house I could declutter?
- Do I wish I was reading a book or listening to one?
- What’s my bedtime routine like?
- Do my husband and I need to spend more quality time together?
- Something I need to start saying no to is…
- Something I need to start saying yes to is…
Step #4: Pick 1-3 goals. Write. It. Down.
You have to write your goals down. I would even take it so far as to say you should write down your dream life. Doing so makes them come to life. This will also hold you accountable so tape them up somewhere you’ll see them every day.
And don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. You can download a printable goal planner to write it all out here. Write it down and never look back. Just fill out the form below, and I’ll send you a free printable goal planner.

Step #5: Do your goal. No matter what.
If you didn’t read the Goal Truths above, I recommend that you do! Setting the goal is the easy part. Actually doing your goal especially when you don’t want to? That’s the not-so-easy part.
Remember! By setting and working towards achieving your goals, you are investing in yourself. This will automatically increase your self worth and self confidence. And it does get easier the longer you’ve been working at a goal. The sacrifice is worth it!
And just in case, here are some achievable goal examples
Eating right
Remember: food is not the enemy! More often than not eating more (of the right foods) is the answer.
- Drinking at least half your body weight in ounces per day (you can always add a lemon or protein powder)
- Eat at least 75 grams of protein per day (I’m telling you, increasing your protein intake is life changing and the majority of us, especially women, do not get nearly enough!).
- Start eating breakfast.
- Reduce processed foods.
- Reduce added sugars at least 4 days a week.
- Start cooking a certain amount of meals from scratch.
- Start making a sit-down Sunday dinner.
- Start a supper club with friends – Whoever hosts does not cook, they just provide a clean house. Everyone else brings the food!
- Eat more meals as a family
- Start a weekend breakfast tradition
Fitness and exercise
- Get at least 7,000 steps a day (this is the magic number for promoting good health!).
- Get 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week for free.
- Start taking at least one family walk a week.
- Do yoga 1-2 times a week.
- Stretch for 5-10 minutes each night before bed.
Spending money
- Start tracking every penny you spend.
- Start putting a percentage of your paycheck into savings and retirement.
- Start making your coffee at home and treat yourself to a coffee out 1-2 times a week.
- Make all meals from scratch/at home Monday-Thursday.
- If you are online shopping, add items to your cart and keep them there for three days. After three days if you still want it, and you can afford it, then go for it.
- Get out of debt.
- Start buying and selling kids clothes at consignment stores.
- Have a clothing swap with your friends.
Screen time
- Break up with your phone.
- Read a book or magazine before bed rather than look at your phone.
- When you wake up, don’t let your phone be the first thing you look at.
- Set parameters around when you are on your phone, and put it in another room! For example, “my phone will not be on my body from the time I get off work until the time my kids go to bed.”
- If it doesn’t bring you joy, unfollow.
- Don’t go on social media for a month.
- No more phones at the dinner table.
- Have a family phone-free night – better yet, make the default be no phones and decide a set time when phones are allowed.
- Start a new career! There’s never going to be a perfect time. Now! This podcast is so inspiring.
- Negotiate a higher salary
- Earning a new degree or certification
- Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.
- Spend at least 20 minutes a day where you give your kids your undivided attention and do whatever they want to do.
- Reach out to a friend and ask them to go on a walk or hang out.
- Reflect how you can show up better as a parent and spouse.
- Make a new friend.
- Have a date night with your significant other at least twice a month (this can be a date night where you stay-in too!)
- Start a new hobby.
- Read this book.
- Start saying no.
- Start saying yes.
- Assign kids chores
- Clean the bathroom every Sunday
- Vacuum house 1-2 times a week
- Always go to bed with a clean kitchen
- Declutter a room
- Go through your clothes and donate/keep/sell
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